Creative collaboration agent?
Agile processes integrated in deep collaborations.
Strategic Level
It’s a VUCA world we’re living in, and agility on a strategic level is essential for organizations to thrive. I help leadership and top management to adopt and instigate agility: how to focus on core business operations? How to establish cross-functional, long-standing teams? How to improve processes and speed up deliveries? Agility is a means to multiple ends, and the scope of the project will vary depending on the specific needs of your company.
Team Level
How does a team gets things done? Agility on team level is not about to-do lists, scrum boards, and post-its. The premium condition is collaboration between team members, and between different teams within the organization. I help teams to become more than a collection of individuals. How to communicate effectively? How to set up a project, and stay focussed until the go-live? How to internalize an agile mindset? I employ a broad set of methodologies and techniques, depending on the specific needs of your team.
E.g. Team Liftoff, Retrospectives, Team Splitting, Pair Programming, Impact Mapping, User Story Mapping, ..
Individual level
An agile mindset is an indispensable asset for every professional, both self-employed and within companies (SME’s, multinationals). I help individuals to internalize agile reflexes: how to focus on your personal growth path? How to motivate colleagues and team members? How to take responsibility? I have over 15 years of experience in coaching agility in workshop settings and in one-on-one settings. Depending on your specific professional needs, we outline a coaching trajectory consisting of face to face sessions and online sessions.
Project Flow
Each new project differs from the previous one. In general I uphold the following project flow:
Intake & Preparation
Most companies bring in someone like me when deadlines are long overdue, and ‘something’ needs to be done. The roots of malfunctioning are never easy to lay bare, so my first action when starting a new assignment is interviewing stakeholders, and getting a feel of the organization and company culture.
For long term assignments, a first face to face intake session and dive-in period is mandatory. For clear short term assignments, such as a single team workshop, a remote intake session suffices.
Once I have identified the key issues, we discuss the way forward and the next steps. During a long term assignment, I coach, train, educate and challenge the teams and individuals involved on a daily basis on-site. The implementation is a mix of proven agile techniques and methods, depending on the scope of the project. Regular feedback sessions with top management is a must for realizing goals and getting things done. For one time workshop sessions, roll-out phase is one to three days.
Agility projects are never quite finished, because change never stops. But when the predefined goals are met, and all parties involved conclude that agility is adopted sufficiently for the time being, the project draws to an end. For both short term and long term assignments, we draft a concluding document with learnings and best practices.
After care
After the completion of the project, I’m available for consult via mail/phone. For long term assignments, a remote coaching trajectory is set-up. This ensures that the team(s) involved incorporate agility, rather than sinking back into their former way of working. After short term assignments, I’m always available for remote support, advice and coaching.

I have known Yves as en excellent and skilled ICT-consultant.
Els Van Eeckhaut
Yves is a top .Net trainer at U2U, where I worked with him. I will surely work with him again.
Roy Dictus
I attended Yves workshop; The Leadership game. Well done and full of insights. Can help you learn a lot about yourself and your relation to others and leadership. I recommend it.
Marko van der Puil
I attended Yves’ activity at XP Day France 2006 in Paris. I found the activity engaging and it taught me something about myself. I look forward to seeing Yves at future conferences.
J. B. Rainsberger
I had a few trainings from Yves (the first one was VB6 😉 ). He was a great .Net trainer at U2U and has excellent skills. I will surely work with him if there is a possibility.
Sven Cipido
I played the Leadership Game under the professional guidance of Yves and his father Ignace. It was loads of fun while at the same time very educational. I can recommend it to everyone, regardless of your occupation! (and don’t be shy to apply for the role of leader in the game)
Nicolas Mommaerts
Yves understood quickly and effectively the demanding business context of his assignment. The solution he developed matched therefore all specs and integration did not cause any problem. Yves controlled perfectly state of the art development techniques as well.
Denis Semoulin
From a human point of view, it was also a pleasure to work with Yves.
Yves was een van de programmeurs bij het nieuwe beheerspakket voor Verzekeringsmakelaars. We hadden de ambitie om een gebruiksvriendelijk en technologisch vooruitstrevende toepassing te bouwen. Hier zijn we zeker in geslaagd. Een belangrijke reden was de betrokkenheid en de wil om te luisteren naar wat de klant. Yves is een enthousiaste en positieve teamplayer.
Raf Celis
Yves is a pleasure to have new knowledge explained to you. He masters the balance between clarifying theory and letting you test it in practice right-a-way. Questions and exceptions are dealt with using his in-depth knowledge of the subject at hand and his extended vision about development.
Stijn Sanders
During the time I worked with Yves, he was a developer, always looking for new technologies, client-oriented, with an eye for detail. As a person, Yves is a team-player, self-motivated and a very good communicator.
Kris Van den Bossche
I've worked for

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