
Over the years I have published quite some articles. Find them on LinkedIn or here.
More to come.

Agile tools: hour glasses

  I have bought several of these sets of hourglasses for my current client. I have given every team doing a standup a 15 minute hourglass.  Next to that I left set like this in different meeting rooms. The idea, if a discussion takes too long, anyone can turn an hourglass and make it visible that she thinks the discussion takes too long. By polular... Read more >

Agile Coach Camp Germany 2010

The last two days I was part of Agile Coach Camp 2010. This post is about my experience at the camp. I will write a different post about each of the session in the next days. Camps based on Open Space Technology (See Wave Rider) have becoming increasing more popular in the last years. They received a big boost when O’Reilly organized a “Foo Camp”.... Read more >

What is PairCoaching

So what is PairCoaching all about? Is a question I get a lot. A few years back, when my father and I did a retrospective on a leadership game we had done earlier that week, we noticed that some of the leaders we ask to lead in a certain way, had trouble doing it. So we talked about how we could support them more. (In... Read more >

Cleaning a kitchen is a good metaphor for Refactoring

  Lately I'm talking a lot about refactoring. When I do, I use a lot a metaphor I have learned from Vera Peeters and Pascal Van Cauwenberghe. Refactoring is like cleaning a kitchen. If you observe the kitchen of a restaurant, you will see that they are cleaning the kitchen all the time. So cooking and cleaning at the same time. (In other words I... Read more >

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