Regular readers of my blog, they know I consider retrospectives a core aspect of any team. I’m convinced that not everything in the agile world, works in all worlds, I have yet to find a team that does not benefit from doing a retrospective.
Over the years, we have seen a lot of book and resources for retrospectives. Today I realized that although I have published a lot of books lists, I have never published a list about retrospectives:
- Project Retrospectives: Kerth Norman
This is the first book about retrospectives. It’s written in a non-agile world, yet everyone who considers herself an expert on retros should read this book. - Agile Retrospectives: Diana Larsen & Esther Derby
Diana & Esther wrote the first book about retrospectives in an agile environment. This book is a nice mix of theory and exercises that can be combine to create your own retro’s. - Collaboration Explained: Jean Tabaka
Although this book is not about retro’s, the tips and tricks that jean shares are very valuable for facilitators. - Visual Meetings: David Sibbet
Many facilitators like to create visual retro’s. David has lot’s of tips on how to create visual meetings. - Getting Value out of agile retrospectives: Luis Gonçalvas, Ben Linders
For a long time I thought I did not need an extra book on retro’s after reading the books from Kerth, Diana & Esther, and then I read this book. - Fifty Quick Ideas to improve your retrospectives: Tom Roden, Ben Williams
As the title says it, a lot of idea’s. - Improving agile retrospectives: Marc Loeffler
I might be biased about this book, as it contains an exercise from me.
It gives lot of times to make your retro’s better. - Retrospectives for everyone: Madhavi Ledhalla
I just bought this book, I only started reading the book now, yet a book that can convince both Diana & Luke to write a forward and has recommendations from Ben, Jutta, Linda and many others, must be a good book. (The kindle version is also sold way too cheap, so if you are short on cash, buy this quickly before Madhavi raises the price… - Facilitating with ease: Ingrid Bens
- Facilitator’s guide to participatory decision-making: Sam Kaner
These last two books are both old books, yet really good books for facilitators. - The Retrospective Handbook: Patrick Kua
Tip from Jutta (Sorry Patrick I forgot your book) - Retrospectives for Organizational Change: Jutta Eckstein
- Remote Facilitator’s Pocket Guide: Kirsten Clacey, Jay-Allen Morris (Tip from Esther )
- Retrospective antipatterns: Corry Aino Vonge
Although Corry her book is not out yet. I have followed a her workshop a few years back. I used what I learned the next week. I preordered the book. (Tip from Gitte) - Retromat: Corinna Baldauf, Timon Fiddike
This is an online tool helping you to create your own retrospective, that is now also turned into a book. Online you can find versions in many languages. - Fun Retrospectives: Taina Caetano, Paulo Caroli
- The agile retrospective kickstarter: this book from my friend Alexey Krivitsky lets you build 250 different retrospectives. (Translated in 5 languages)
- Retrospectives. A Scrum Master’s Guide: Daria Bagina
- The Guide to Effective Agile Retrospectives: Mark Levison
- Work Retrospective I: improving code
- Work Retrospective II: improve the demo
- Work Retrospective III: a discussion workshop
- Agile Thursday Quiz: retrospectives
- Tips for working with introverts in the agile world
- How to run Safety Checks by Liz Keogh
- Retrospective Poker: Daria Bagina
- Agile Retrospective Bingo: Ben Linders
- Agile Retrospectives Smell Cards: Ben Linders
- Agile Manifesto Retrospectives Question Cards: Ben Linders
- Tips for Retrospectives from Dave Farley and Aino Corry
- Mastering Retrospective from Zuzana Sochova
- Agile Retrospectives: making Good teams great from Ester Derby & Diana Larsen teaching at Google
What books/resources are missing?
In this covid-19 lockdown, most of us are doing retrospectives remote. You might want to check out my list for remote work.
Full transparency: most links on these list use amazon affiliates links.
At the bottom of my own bookpage, you can find all the bookslists I have gathered since 2010.