Yves Hanoulle

Creative Collaboration Agent

Call me: +32 476 43 38 32
Mail me: mailing@hanoulle.be
Linkedin: Yves Hanoulle
Mastodon: YvesHanoulle
Pronouns: he/him

Schedule a meeting with me using Calendly.

I believe in work-life fusion. I learned that by pairing a workshop with my father and my partner.
Now I pay it forward to my kids:

–  I spoke with Joppe at multiple conferences in 2014-2015
–  I created Anguis an android game with Joppe (and the whole family tested it)
– I did workshops with Bent in 2016 where he played the product owner
– In 2019 I did a presentation about Real Options with Geike at agile India
– I helped Geike publish her first book arduino with Geike at age 11.
I challenge all parents to look for ways to do the same.

Words to describe me:

  • Creative collaborative agent
  • agile instigator
  • LongLifeLearner
  • Always Sharing Knowledge
  • FireStarter
  • story teller
  • first follower
  • feminist
  • anti-racist

Since 2012 I work on a walking desk and have inspired +30 people around the world to do the same.
I have published 28 books, many cocreated with the agile community.
Since a few years agile friends started to joke about the six degrees of agile with me at the centre.

In 2022 I started the video version of Who is agile on youtube.


Find me elsewhere

Call me: +32 476 43 38 32
Mail me: mailing@hanoulle.be
Linkedin: Yves Hanoulle
Twitter: @YvesHanoulle
Github: Yves Hanoulle

Support me on patreon: YvesHanoulle
LeanPub: YvesHanoulle
Amazon: Yves Hanoulle
SlideShare: Yves Hanoulle
Instagram: @YvesHanoulle
GoodReads: Yves Hanoulle
YouTube: YvesHanoulle

Interested in an agile project for your company?
Let's talk.