Breaking the Silos: Hybrid & Remote Work

We build a community of like-minded organisations, leaders, and people who want to break siloed thinking and approaches within Belgian tech companies and improve collaboration.

Join us to learn how to make change happen in your company or teams and meet people sharing the same values.

How have Belgian tech companies evolved to facilitate remote or hybrid work? Or have they?

In the second meetup of Breaking the Silos, we’re presenting four cases of Belgian tech companies outlining their trajectory in (not) adopting hybrid & remote work, followed by a vivid panel discussion.

The participating speakers are:

  • Alexa Andrei, Head of Marketing of StriveCloud;
  • Martin Van Aken, former CTO of Bluesquare;
  • Jan De Roeck, Marketing Director – Industry Relations and Strategy of Esko; and
  • Dennis De Clercq, Co-founder & CEO of BUFFL.

Our moderator will be Yves Hanoulle, Creative Collaboration Agent at PairCoaching.

The entrance is free.