In every book about teamwork, software management, etc you will read the same, great teams have a shared vision.
My idea of a shared vision is different from what you will find in most books. These books talk about creating a shared vision statement. For me a shared vision is a state, not a statement.
Yes creating a statement together is one way of creating such a shared vision state. I’m afraid that people reading about such a workshop, only think about the visual result (the statement) and try to be efficient and come up with a statement themselves.
No matter how smart you are, no matter if you found the best shared vision statement, you wasted all your time and probably made the life of the team member a lot more miserable. Although I’m not a big footbal expert, my nicest example of a shared vision state is when one player runs along the line with the ball and then passes to the other side, without looking, knowing his colleague is there.
The visions statement of such a team could be as simple as “we will win as much as possible” or even “have fun all the way”. Does this mean the statement does not matter at all? Once a shared vision statement is created it’s most important work is done.
Now it is used to remind the team of the state of shared vision.
While I’m working, I’m completely in a flow going in one direction, and that might not be in the direction of the team. When we have a shared vision statement. This statement will remind me about the vision space I shared with my colleagues.
Getting teams in that space called shared vision is one of the most powerfull ways a coach can help a team.
Jim and Michele McCarthy think a shared vision is so important that they spend 4 days from their 5 days Teamwork Bootcamp on it. As unbelieveble as its sound, they have found a predictable way to bring teams in a state of shared vision. (Everytime I participated in a bootcamp I saw working. Ok, that is exagerated, everytime except one, and I also know why it did not work that one time.)
Although I think it is the best way. It’s not the only way. You also have Lyssa’s journey lines or the Strategic Play creating a Vision with lego.
Agile Practises that support a Shared Vision:
- Journey lines exercise (Lyssa Adkins)
- Personal Alignment (Core Protocols)
- Shared Vision (Core Protocols)
- Strategic Play Vision
- Checkin (Core Protocols)
- Investigate (Core Protocols)
- Decider (Core Protocols)
- Protocol Check (Core Protocols)
- Intention Check (Core Protocols)
- PairProgramming
- Retrospectives
- Daily Standups
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Begin with the end in mind (Covey)
- Visual Management
- bumblebees and butterflies (OST)
Books & Articles to read
- Coaching Agile Teams by Lyssa Adkins
- Core protocols an experience report by Yves Hanoulle
- Dynamics of Sofware Development by Jim McCarthy
- The power of Appreciative Inquiry by Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom
- Agile Retrospectives by Esther Derby & Diana Larsen
- The Seven habits of highly effective people by Stephan R Covey
- Software for your head by Jim and Michele McCarthy
- Open Space Technology by Harrison Owen
Books recommended by others:
- Recharge your team by Jay W. Vogt Recommend by Shyam