This week I was ALE 2011. To remember and share my experience I will write an improvement game
What I like about ALE 2011:
- I liked the talks I saw (even if I walked away during some when I had the feeling I learned enough and I wanted to look what I could learn in another session.)
- ALE was self-organized with boundaries
- An XTC in Berlin
- It was the first time I saw a good integration between normal talks and open space
- The 30 minutes talks focuses speakers on the core of their message
- the open space offered place to have discussion on these topics
- Dinner with a stranger
- The first keynote (from Rachel Davies) had a big impact on what was discussed in the open space
- The sponsors were there but did not push things
- A sponsor (Scrumdesk) using his money to support community activity (the Retrospective t-shirts)
- people from so many countries
- lotsofhumorandfun
- family program
- Olaf’s thank you message to the students ”thank you for letting us being on your team”
- The awesomeness from the audience.
- Twice singing Happy Birthday for Oana
- a whole conference participants retrospective led by Ken
- Doing a raindance with +100 people
- an old friend walking around in a PairCoaching t-shirt
- Lot’s of cameras around
- Cameras that visually disappear during talks
- Lots of vlogs recorded by Greetings from Delft
- Being interviewed about what PairCoaching really is..
- Even ALE skepticals showed up
- The event started with 40 people coding together
- The correct use of the word resources
- The event happened close to CheckPoint Charlie
- lots of people connected with me on linkedin, twitter, slideshare after the conference
- I was able to set borders on what I did and what not, regarding leading of sessions.
- I checked out, when I needed.
- I shared a room with an incredible man
- I had two times a great talk while flying
- I started to call myself a FirstFollower
- someone took a picture with my camera during my talk
- That someone was implementing something from my talk
- we had a BritishStandup comedian with a presentation about Feature Injection
- I learned about kids doing hard work for fun…
- I learned about banks being open only 4 weeks a year
- I learned you don’t loose weigth by watching a scale
- We had guerrilla WIFI
- We had an ALE Post-it war message
- I received great feedback on my Agile & Lean mindset session
- Even better, I received tons of idea’s about Agile Mindset
- I dared to ask everyone in my room to read with me a very long slide out loud
- After the event I heared Jef Patton is finally writing his User Story Mapping book
- I forgot about the failure cake
What I would like to see improved:
- More people using “The Law of two feet” when they think they can have more value somewhere else. (It’s not restricted to the Open space sessions only)
- Oomps (Official One Minute presentations about the upcoming talks)
- Closing oomps: at the end of the day participants talking back what they learned from all the talks
- an organized way of sharing rooms
- An organized way of sharing Taxi’s, from and to the airport
- A date more families come
- the children room in a more central place
- the children report back what they have done as part of closing oomps
- the family program is on the official program (no second citicians)
- we have a book swashing activity
- we have bar activities (like agile quiz etc)
- all groups of dinner with a stranger are smaller then 10
- I would like to see less “Agile EGO” (We are agilist so we are better then the rest of the world) and more use of prime directive in everything we do.
- People are funny without cynism & sarcasm
- everybody understands what it means to have an open space conference
- More butterflies
- More Bees
- No passive aggressiveness against people not from our community
- a world café
- more developers
- more C-level people
- a book shop
- make it clear if participants will receive a notebook or not
- We have 24 hour wifi
- The Coffee and the rooms are on the same floor
- the toilets are on the same floor
- We should have some room for longer sessions (games?)
- We should help new presenters
- We should encourage speakers to do dry run’s
Personal improvements
- I should have used paircoaching on the coffee mugs instead of so that more people understood this was a promoting of an idea and not a company
- I buy less mugs then participants
- I can withhold from jokes about Americans (Sorry Brian I was really happy you were at ALE)
- I listen more when I meet awesome people…
- My family joins ALE 2012
- My family is active in ALE 2012.
- My phone keeps working during the conference
- I check the feedback from my session at the door…
- I should have thanked the organizers more…
My improvements are worth 1 out of 10 for me.(This means that ALE receives a 9 out of 10 )