Who is #agile 038 with Alistair Cockburn
We had a great conversation about:
– the creation of the agile manifesto
– Alistair dancing the tango at the Swedish Tax authority
– Siagile: The way to include agile in Social Impact
– Listening with generosity
– Increase the quality in listening
– What is the cheapest way to get information from here to there…
– Alistair agile, the most informal style he gets away with.
– What is something you are good at and not known for?
People we (briefly) mentioned
Joke Vandemaele & Xavier Quesada Allué marriage
Books we talked about:
– Complexity and Postmodernism: Understanding Complex Systems (Paul Cilliers)
– Chance and Necessity: An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology (Jacques Monad)
– Arthur Upfield books
Alistair invited
– Rocío Briceño
– Soledad Rodriguez Pinter
– Agustín Villena (already recorded)
– Rebecca Wirfs-Brock (already recorded)
– Melissa Perri
–Kenji Hiranabe (already recorded)
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