Create your own manifesto

We will uncovering better ways of using the agile manifesto as an inspiration.

Agile got a big boost when the agile manifesto was created.
Many people have read the first page, some even both pages. Other have helped translating it. Yves is studying it at regular intervals to look for inspiration.

Yet it’s a historical document. Created in 2002 by 17 white males.

These days when Yves start with a new team, he likes to give them +70 statements, (and a few empty cards) and let’s them create their own list of:

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

In this workshop, we let multiple groups create their own team manifesto and explain it to each other.
Not as general one, yet one that they as a team think would help them.

You can buy the manual of the create your own manifesto workshop on leanpub

Written by Yves Hanoulle Creative Collaboration Agent