1:54 / 1:00:55 • Introduction Pendo Manjele wants to grow a community beyond the people who are like her #WhoIsagile #Wia051

#Interview with Pendo Manjele the #video edition of Who is #agile (#WIa051)

We talked about
We had a few technical glitches, yet it was a nice conversation about diversity
When we say: every goes digital, who are we leaving behind
About being the change we want to see
And not trying to change the world alone.

We tried walked about:

– Being a nutrition adept
– Data scientist
– When we say: every goes digital, who are we leaving behind
– How can we grow a community beyond the people who are like us?
– What does #accessibility of the internet mean?
– How can blind people
– How can people that don’t have hands use the internet
– Any Surfer
– Making a difference
– We can’t change the world alone
– Be the change you want to see
– Don’t complain about stuff, be in the arena, work on the change
– Messages to women: be humble
– Taking a step back
– Keep learning is important
– Overcoming #failures
– Remote allows you to plan the work around our personal life
– People bring time, knowledge and care about their job
– We can’t work in isolation
– What is the state of agility in #Zambia
– agility is not cast in stone

The phoenix project: Gene Kim , Kevin Behr , George. Spafford

People we talked about
Agile user support group

Nchimunya Kabunda