Doing things together is the best way to convey ideas… Kenji Hiranabe in who is agile 034

Who is agile 034 with Kenji Hiranabe

We had a great conversation about:

– starting agile back in 2004
– Receiving the Gordon Pask award and its ‘s celebration
– Organising a conference in Japan right after Fukushima
– invite the queen of fearless change to that conference
– Data Science and lineair algebra
– Educating/teaching
– Community Translating books
– Chalk talk
– Doing things together is the best way to convey the idea.
– Connecting great engineers and business
– How can I do remote development with people in Tokyo
– Languages
– programming in a Japanese
– How many people speak Japanese
– Comparing his love for more people with his love for mathematics
– Make things more precise then precise

Books we talked about:
Agile & scrum by Kenji Hiranabe & Ikujirō Nonaka
The new new product development game Takeuchi Hirotaka & Nonaka Ikujirō
– Adopting agile across borders: Glaudia CalifanoDavid Spinks,

We mentioned
Mary Poppendieck
Linda Rising

Kenji invites

for a future who is agile conversation