Justyna Pindel is challenging herself to get rid of her fears ( Who is agile #WIA033 )

Who is #agile 033 with Justyna Pindel (check her Linkedin handle)

We had a great conversation about:

– Reducing pain in teams
– Calculating cycle time when waiting in a line
– the kind of #leadership she is not able to stand
– Moving countires
– challenging herself to get rid of fears
– Learning to dive in Dutch
– the feedback loop from Vinted
– Quitting without a backup plan
– #Retrospectives for relations (also see the video with Nadine Wolf & Henning Wolf)
– Doing squads during brushing her teeth…
– Coach Retreat

Books we talked about:
– Think Again (Adam Grant)
– Why we Sleep
– Time to Think
– Atomic Habits
– Act like a leading, think like a leader
– Extra ordinairy Bad ass #coaching
– Everyone is a change agent

We mentioned
Stijn Decneut
Lyssa Adkins
jim mccarthy & Michele McCarthy

Justyna invites Beata Padlo & Bob Galen 🇺🇦