Diana Larsen about human solutions for human problems. Who is agile 029

Who is agile 029 with Diana Larsen (invited by Linda Rising)
We had a great conversation about:

– Retrospective Gathering
– Agile Alliance
The leadership game at xp 2010
Agile fluency model
5 why’s
Extreme programming
Ensemble Programming
– Agile pills from Crisp AB
Women in agile
– Working ourselfs out of a job
– Creating normal every day
– The advantages of an occasional bad day
– Being consulted out of an education

Books (links on youtube):

– Who is #agile the book edition
Agile #retrospectives
Project retrospectives
Lift Off
The art of agile development
Lead without Blame
Collaboration with the enemy
Facilitating Breakthrough
Humble Inquiry
Humble Leadership
Humble Consulting
Who is agile in Nigeria

We talked about

Esther Derby
Norm Kerth
James Shore
Olaf Lewitz
🎈 Enrico Teotti
Chris Matts
Liz Keogh

Diana Invites
Tricia Broderick
Alicia R. McLain, MA, PCC
April Jefferson “Soul Craftswoman”
Willem Larsen