Why people don’t like to turn on their cameras in meetings … Wia021: Dominica DeGrandis

In episode 021 of Who is agile, I talk with Dominica DeGrandis

Dominica was invited by Elisabeth Hendrickson
We talked about:

-raising children as a single mom while studying
– why people don’t like to turn on their cameras in online meeting
– IT having a seat at the table
– Why she fired herself from Telecom
– How she ended up in Hawai, and how that impacted her
– Why she wanted to become part of the problem
– Vanity Metrics
– Organisations and their relation with bottlenecks
– Screentime and the effect it has on our body
– The need for reflecting after achieving a goal
– Limiting the number of people in a remote meeting

We talk about these books:

She/we (briefly) talked about working with
David Anderson
Patrick Debois
Jonathan Smart
Donald Reinertsen
Jeff Patton

Dominica Invited
Manuel Pais (Team Topologies) 🇺🇦
Cat Swetel