Our succes depends on our own inner state Who is agile 018 Michael & Audree Sahota

We talked about:

  • How angriness sabotaged and damaged them.
  • Self-love
  • How being kind to yourself is the start of many things
  • How success is depending on our inner state
  • How our heart and our gut are smarter than our brain
  • Responding to change over following a plan of their personal life
  • How people in theory x don’t want help
  • agile will save the planet/humanity

    ==> We had lots of fun recording this, I hope you feel some of the joy I felt recording this.
    There was a hiccup during the recording, yet it was so short and it fitted what we talked about, so I left it in.

They are inviting:
Olaf Lewitz
Peter Zylka-Greger