Coaching and managing people is first and foremost about listening to people.
A skill we don’t learn in most schools. The listening we learn in school is about being able to reproduce (at worst) and to think (at best).
The listening I’m most interesting today is to feel and empathize.
- Non Violent communication: Rosenberg
- Dare to lead: Brene Brown
- Crucial Conversations: Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, Al Switzer, Emily Gregory
- I hear you: Michael Sorensen
- Active listening techniques: Nixaly Leonardo
- The lost art of listening: Michael P Nichols, Martha B Straus
- you are not listening: Kate Murphy
- 4 essential keys to Effective Communication Bento C Leal III
- The fearless organisation: Amy C Edmondson
- Turn the ship around: David L Marquet
- The seven habits of highly effective people: Dr Covey
- Leadership is Language: David L Marguet (TIP from Wim Heemskerk)
- How to talk so kids will listen & Listen so kids will talk: Adele Faber,
Elaine Mazlish,
Kimberly Ann Coe( TIP from Bruce Scharlau) - Coaching agile teams: Lyssa Adkins
- The Art of Gathering: Priya Parker
- Talk to me (Sue Johnson)
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