Interview with Shane Hastie for the video edition of Who is #agile (#WIa)
Learn more about Shane Hastie:
- #NoProjects //
- Who is agile the book edition //
- Training From the Back of the Room (TBR)//
- Tips From The agile Trenches://
- Leading Beyond Change://
- Reinventing Organisations: //
Quotes from the interview:
- agile is a much more disciplined way of working as many people think it is
- Living in the balance world is hard yet valuable
- It doesn’t come naturally
- Keeping focus is hard work
- I got involved in the agile movement, because it’s about more humanistic workplaces
- The ICagile learning outcomes are usefull
- The ICagile learning outcome are released creative commons
- uses a @Nomad8 kanban board designed by @smamol
- The doing box of my kanban board is the size of 1 post it
- Limit your work in progress
- I was influenced by Desmond Tutu
- Mental health is an issue and covid has exacerbate that
- Burnout is real in the agile world
- Profit is necessary, its like oxygen, but should not be the driver
- I want to make the world a better place
- Deliberate pace yourself with reading this book
- Use the coaching examples are easy
- Syd Markle was the sketchnote artist for the ethics in coaching
- Formally commit yourself as an agile coach to the code of conduct of the ICF
- My favorite people call me grandpa
- The way to make the world better is also important
- Unfairness in any form hurts me.
- Maintaining the shape of the backlog
Remote tip:
- It’s possible to design a learning experience that is as engaging and interaction remote
- Building good remote learning is harder than in person education
- I read remote bedtime stories over facetime
- It’s not a easy shift to go to remote education.