agile terminology

As an agile coach, I am using idea’s coming from multiple methologies. I started this coaching 8 years ago and my first agile book I read more then 10 years ago. As a result I mix terminology when talking about agile.
This week I was told I should not use “demo” when talking about scrum.  Although I personally like the word demo (It’s the same word in Dutch, French, English, the three languages in which I am coaching) I do understand that it creates confusion among clients. And yes it’s better when everyone uses the same terminology when talking about the same thing.

As I wanted to be sure to stop doing that, I created a document with the correct scrum terminology. (These days I mainly coach scrum)

Then I realized that I’m not the only person who might be interested in it.

Here is the document: agile words

Will you help me in adding more words?

I have added extra column so you can add words for

  • Crystal Clear
  • EVO
  • FDD
  • DSDM
  • XP
  • … >> feel free to add a column to add others

Yes in a later stage we should add links explain. It might even become part of the scrum alliance agile atlas or agile alliance guide to agile practises or anywhere else, that is for later versions.

Feel free to steal it.
