Xavier is another person that Xavier Quesada brought me in contact with. Yes Mr Visual Management is not in the book yet, but we have already too many Europeans and with his wife already in the book and a second baby on it’s way, I assume he has a little more patience … 😉 I love meeting new people, but writing their introduction is really hard. In this case, I just love Xavier. He dresses up at agile courses, uses agile games, played in a rockband and is not afraid to say he has to reread a book multiple times… On top of that Xavier is part of the Board of Directors of Agile Spain and has helped organizing International agile conferences like Agile Open Spain 2009, Conferencia Agile Spain 2010 and XP2011.
What is something people usually don’t know about you but has influenced you in who you are?
Not many people know that I dress up in my Agile courses. I also like the attendees to play games I have invented. Definitely, what has most influenced me were the creative moments I experienced in my childhood. For example, I made very imaginative drawings and I played in rock bands.
If you would not have been in IT, what would have become of you?
I think I would have worked in something related to ecology, to help nature or save wild animals. In fact, several years ago I applied to be part of the Rainbow Warrior crew but it was very difficult to be accepted. You must know how to climb, scuba dive, etc.
What is your biggest challenge and why is it a good thing for you?
My biggest challenge is to improve my empathy and listening more so as to understand people’s needs and to assume that people need to get dirty so that they learn. Each person has his or her own speed to change. I feel lucky for having worked with really good managers that mentored me. Anyway, some of my best teachers right now are my daughters; they teach me to be kind, patient and coherent.
What drives you?
I like to help people with their jobs so they can enjoy work more (it is like a drug for me) and even improve their personal lives. (Agile is about understanding people, so it can even help you to enhance the way you manage relationships with people you love).
What is your biggest achievement?
I feel lucky of being part of the teams that re-loaded Agile Spain and launched Agile Barcelona, that nowadays is a really energetic and hyperactive community with activities almost every week. I’m also honored of counting with some of the best [Spanish speakers] Agile practitioners for teaching in the first worldwide Postgraduate in Agile Methods, a fantastic experience we have held this year in Barcelona. Thinking on IT projects, I have an achievement every time I help a team to solve a difficult situation. Usually it is not a technical problem but related to human interactions. I remember when I started on a project that was more than a year late. It consisted of the integration of the work of 8 suppliers. I had to put 450 issues on a huge Kanban. I held several workshops so that everyone would work together as a team in order to launch the system in 4 months.
What is the last book you have read?
I’m stuck on Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development (Larman & Vodde). I’ve been reading and re-reading it for months.
What question do you think I should also ask and what is the answer?
What is Agile for me? 🙂 Every time, I think it is more about Individuals and interactions over processes and tools than about any other statement.
Whom do you think I should ask next?
Angel Medinilla: Angel has a huge knowledge and experience on Agile, Lean, Kanban, Management, Aikido, etc. He is incredible giving powerful and funny speeches. You must see him in action!. He also has de ability to shake your world with deep, thought questions that lead you to reflect, react and not be resigned to the impediments and conflicts you need to resolve.
Barcelona, Spain
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