Stoos Stampede 2012 Booklist

Here I am again with a conference booklist. I was only 1 day at Stoos Stampede, so the list is a little bit smaller, yet not less interesting.

This time I walked around at Stoos Stampede to recreate a list that is similar to my

The rules did not change:

  • only one book per person
  • It cant’ be on this or any of the previous lists.


here is the list:

Achor, Shawn: The Happines Advantage (Dirk Bredgaard Bucka-Lassen)

Bridges, WilliamManaging Transitions: Making the Most of Change (Jasper Sonnevelt)

Card Orson Scott: Ender’s Game (Arjen Uittenbogaard)

Ching Clarke: Rolling Rock Downhill (Kurt Häusler)

Cohn Mike: Agile Estimation and planning (Jaume Jornet)

Hoverstadt, Patrick: The Fractal Organisation (Jurgen Appelo)

Idrisová KarolinaNa konci začátek (Silvana Wasitova)

Lencioni, PatrickThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable (Peter Stevens)

Mezick, DanielThe Culture Game: Tools for the Agile Manager (Thorsten O Kalnin)

Morgan Gareth: Images of Organization (Karel Boekhout)

Kennedy Michael: Product Development for the lean enterprise (Wouter Lagerweij)

Owen, Harrison: Wave Rider (Deborah Hartmann Preuss)

Rosenbergh B Marshall : Non- Violent Communication (Mary Beijeveld)

Rother Mike: Toyota Kata (Astrid Claessen)

Topf CorneliaEinfach mal die Klappe halten: Warum Schweigen besser ist als Reden (Mirjam Stamm)

Tung, Portia: The Dream team Nightmare (Yves Hanoulle)

Zaffron Steve, Logan David : The Three laws of performance (Proposer unknow, please contact me)

If you were at Stoos Stampede and you did not give me your book yet, feel free to send me one…


Here is the Cover version:

If you were at Stoos, you can buy my book who is agile with the Coupon: StoosStampede for only 2.99