ATQ: Rightshifting, the monday answers.

Last week I published Bob Marshalls questions about RightShifting.

[I admit that I added a few answers myself to make sure that all 4 questions had 6 answers. (2 f & 3 e f)]

Here are Bob’s answers:

1) What is rightshifting:

D An education campaign targeted at helping people working in knowledge-work organisations.

2) What is the primary aim of Rightshifting?

E To illustrate just how under-performing most knowlegde-work organisations really are.

3) What is the Marshall Model?

B A vocabulary to help folks in discussing the state of their organisations.

D An illustration of the hypothesis that collective mindset is the overarching determinant of organisational effectiveness.

4) How should folks best use the Marshall Model?

C To make visible and discussable the nature of the challenges in moving the organisation towards improved effectiveness.

Resources about the RightShifting:

The origins of the Rightshifting model

A short introduction to Rightshifting from SMS

At Lean & Kanban Benelux Bob & the late Grant Rule gave two great session about RightShifting

RightShifting Explained

Realizing Value: how to apply rightshifting

The linkedin group about RightShifting

You might also want to read Dee Hocks paper about the chaordic orgnanisation that was an inspiration to Bob.

21Apps also wrote about Rightshifting

Book: Presence was also an inspiration.

More info about the Rightshifting Unconference and the twitter chats