Last year at Agile 2011 I walked around and created a booklist together with lots of people. Although this year I decided not to go to the conference, I still want to create a similar list. Last year I had 2 rules:
- Only one book
- It can’t be on the list already
This year I add a third one:
- It can’t be on last years list either.
Last year their was an implicit rule:
- You had to be at Agile 2010 to be on the list. (As I walked around)
This year I’m changing that rule to
- You can only recommend a book until the end of Agile 2011. Meaning you don’t have to be present at Agile 2011 to recommended a book.
I will be building this list online, so you can see it grow. If you want to add a book, just tweet it to me. Here is the list:
- Mike Cohn: Succeeding with Agile recommended by @patrickverheij
- Roy Osherove: The Art of Unit Testing recommended by TypeMock
- Roman Pichler: Agile product management with scrum recommended by Menno Jongerous
- Don Reinertsen: Managing the Design Factory recommended by Nick Oostvogels
- Jane McGonigal: Reality is Broken recommended by Chris Matts
- Lisamarie Babik: A deep dive into Agile recommended by Carloz Beshi
- David Anderson: Kanban recommended by Paul Boos
- Robert Coram: Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War recommended by Jon Jagger
- Gojko Adzic: Specification by Example e-mail recommendation by Tom Poppendieck
- David Rock: Quiet Leadership recommended by Sami Honkonen
- Lisa Crispin & Janet Gregory: Agile Testing recommended by Michael Leber
- Robert M Pirsig: Zen and the art of motercycle maintance recommended by Bob MacNeal
- Jean Tabaka: Collaboration Explained recommended by Michele Sliger
- David Farley & Jez HumbleContinuous Delivery recommended by Mark Dalgarno
- Donella H. Meadows: Thinking in Systems: A Primer recommended by Karl Scotland
- Jurgen Appelo: Management 3.0 recommended by Kai Simons
- Geoff Colvin: Talent is Overrated recommended by Steve Doc List
- Bjarte Bogsnes: Implementing Beyond Budgeting recommended by Catia Oliviera
- Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur: Business Model Generation recommended by Arne Ahlander
- Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler: Influencer: The Power to Change Anything recommended by Corinna
- Gerald M Weinberg Becomming a Change Artist e-mail recommendation by Jerry Weinberg
- Timothy Gallwey: The Inner Game of Work recommended by JB Rainsberger
- Seth Godin: Linchpin recommended by Olaf Lewitz
- Carol Dweck Mindset e-mail recommendation by Linda Rising
- Durward K. Sobek II. & Art Smalley: Understanding A3 Thinking DM recommended by Mads Troels Hansen
- Sharon Bowman: Training from the back of the room recommended by Nicole Rauch
- Steve Denning: Radical Management recommended by Maurice Le Rutte
- Mary & Tom Poppendieck: Implementing Lean Software (From Concept To Cash) recommended by Hannu Kokko
- Ricardo Semler Maverick! recommended by Bruce Sharlau
- Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle: Agile Software Development with Scrum recommended by Matty Williams
- Ken Schwaber & Jef Sutherland: The Scrum Guide 2011 recommended by Michael Mayr
- Jim Benson & Tonianne De Maria Barry: Personal Kanban recommended by Jon Terry
- David Rock: Your Brain at work recommended by Mark Levison
- Bruce Patton, Douglas Stone & Sheila Sheen: Difficult Conversations recommended by Marcin Floryan
- Dave Logan, John King & Halee Fischer-Wright Tribal Leadership recommended by Devin Hedge
- Wallace J Hopp & Mark L Spearman: Factory Physics e-mail recommendation by Don Reinertsen
- The Arbinger Institute: Leadership and Self-Deception recommended (in the comments) by Samanthy Laing
Here is the Cover list
If this is not enough, check out Jurgen’s Top 100 list of Agile books based on sales.
15 comments on “Agile 2011 Booklist”
This list is awesome!
Tribal Leadership by Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization
Leadership & Self Deception – The Arbinger Institute
Interesting that Jurgen Appelo posted his Top 100 List the other day and just 18 (as best I can tell) of the titles recommended to you this year and last are on Jurgen’s list.
Hi Scott,
That is why I think both list have a reason to exist. 😉
Of course Jurgen limited the list to agile books, while my list had not such a limit.
Last year we had a few reading books on the list.
if you like this list, you might love our book: who is agile. It contains a list of books agilists were reading this year