Saturday morning I as a taxi-resource, drive our family football -resource to his match.
At the same time my co taxi-resource, is bringing our musical-resource to his music class.
While he is in this class, the other taxi-resource goes back to our home and then 30 minutes later brings our gymnastics-resource to the gymnastics class.
Then she goes back home and another 30 minutes later she brings the musical-resource back home. Another 30 minutes the gymnastic-resource is ready to come home.
By that time the football match is over and this taxi-resource goes home or the football resource is brought home by another taxi-resource from a non-colocated football teammember.
In the afternoon we bring to scouting resources to the local scouting, the scouting resources are in fact the same as the football-resource and the musical-resource. (Yet in a different roles so we look at them as another resource.)
Do you like my idea of talking about my family as in resources?
I HATE it. My kids are not resources, neither is my wife or me.
Next time you talk about people as a resource, think about your kids. When you are ready to call your kids a resource, then you can talk about me as a human resource.
(The management version of that line is: when you call your people resources, be prepared they call you management overhead.)
7 comments on “Family resources”
Interesting perspective … it got me thinking that if my kids are a resource, do I need to compute their TCO and ROI to put into my life business case?
You mean you have not estimated the ROI before you started with kids?
Really? How do you know you still want them?
Typical off the cuff no real business case executive management decision 🙂
another way to react to this is to ask about:
if they mean “fungible meat based programming units” when people mention resources.
I like this post, it’s much more “in your face” than //, for example.
The last sentence: did you mean “when you are ready to call your kids…”?
I think I’m going to keep FMPU (fundable meatbased programming units) instead of FTEs from now on…
Hi Yves. As per your request here’s the community driven list of terms that we can use instead: //
And the backstory: //
Thank you for inspiring me to this with your community work and for offering me this space to share it.
Stay safe and take care!
you know that a first follower turns a lunatic into a leader.
so I should really thank you…