A few years ago I created a public google calendar for agile conferences. These days it is maintained by 47 people. If you think your conference is missing,please contact me.
Update: This is the direct link to add it to your google calendars: //www.google.com/calendar/hosted/hanoulle.be/embed?src=hanoulle.be_vhhuilrdov5hiodkhauquvp7eg%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Brussels
Also check out the Google Agile events calendar
18 comments on “Agile Conferences Calendar”
What’s the URL for this public calendar? I’d like to add to my own.
Oeps I forgot to add that, thanks Paul for bringing this up:
Thanks Yves for this calendar initiative.
We inserted it in our calendar’s page Lyon CARA:
thanks Franck, don’t forget to look at the agile events calendar.
(that is for smaller (read local) events)
Please add your events to the propriate calendar.
Hi Yves
We are currently organizing an agile conference at Lake Conference. The conference is named “Agile Bodensee” and will take place on the 28th of September 2012. It would be great if you could add it to your calendar.
Hi Yves.
We have agile coach camp Denmark on the 28th-30th og May. I do not know if you could help and put this into the agile calender
Thanks a ton
Dag Yves,
Kan je Agile Games Night toevoegen? (staat ook in Agile Belgium kalender)
Do, 10. september, 16:00 – 19:00
Details: //www.meetup.com/Agile-Belgium/events/224141079/
nope, I added you the calendars s you can add it’s yourself 😉
that is a more scalable solution
Hi Yves,
There’s currently the Agile meets Architecture conference running in Berlin which seems to be missing from the calendar. //www.agile-meets-architecture.com/