10 Agile books

When I am delivering an in house training, I give one book for each participant. I prefer to give every person a different book. That way the company organizing the training has already a small library of agile books.

(If I give 10 times the same book it has the advantage of being able to start with a book reading club)

this is my current list of books that I distributed with an agile kick start training.

1 eXtreme Programming explained : Kent Beck

2 Agile Software development with Scrum: Ken Schwaber

3 The Toyota Way: Jeffrey Liker

4 User Stories: Mike Cohn

5 Lean Toolkit: Poppendiecks

6 Agile Coaching Liz Sedley and Rachel Davies

7 Agile Retrospectives Esther Derby and Diana Larsen

8 Working Effectively with Legacy Code: Michael Feathers

9 Scaling Lean & Agile development: Thinking and organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum Craig Larman and Bas Vodde

10 Agile Estimating and Planning: Mike Cohn

The intention is to deliver them a set of agile books with the basis stuff in it. And at the same time show them different ways.

So what books do you think should be in the library of agile teams?


As not all teams are big and need to scale, I sometimes take out Craig and Bas book and replace it by

The pragmatic Programmer Andy Hunt & Dave Thomas

I like both books. Although I think “Scaling lean” has so many tips that also small teams can use, the feedback I had was that it’s a book that small teams don’t pick up that fast.

I also sometimes replace The Toyota way with
Slack from Tom Demarco
The reason is that they are both very good general books (not just for software companies) and The Poppendieck book is already a good introduction to Lean for a software team.

Update: check out my list of books on librarything